Planet Centered Design vs. Human Centered Design - if we don't design solutions for your tasks, we deal with topics that make you fit for the future. Ask us.
Ask for the {im}possible to reach the possible.
We work.
Some of our clients:
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Pneumologie
und Beatmungsmedizin e.V.
Deutsche Kinder- und Jugendstiftung:
Openion Willkommenskitas
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Phlebologie e.V.
Deutsche Sepsis Gesellschaft e.V.
RAI – Rationaler Antibiotikaeinsatz durch Information und Kommunikation
Aktion Saubere Hände
We are …
a Berlin-based design agency that has won several awards. Our methods are focused on users and based on scientific knowledge. We deal with app, web, print and picture. We are experienced in health care, NGOs, and mid-tier companies. Want to discover more? Contact us!
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